Resolution of Vectors
The Concept of Components of a Vector
Explain the concept of components of a vector
Is the Splits or separates single vector into two vectors (component vectors) which when compounded, provides the resolved vector.
Resolved vector is asingle vector which can be split up into component vectors.
Component vectorsare vectors obtained after spliting up or dividing a single vector.
Resolution of a Vector into two Perpendicular Components
Resolve a vector into two perpendicular components
Components of a vector are divided into two parts:
- Horizontal component
- Vertical component
Take angle OAC
Case 1
SinQ = FX/F
FX = F SinQ
Horizontal component, FX = FSinQ
Case 2
Cos Q = Fy/F
Fy = FCosQ
Vertical component: Fy = FCosQ
Resolution of Vectors in Solving Problems
Apply resolution of vectors in solving problems
Example 8
Find the horizontal and vertical components of a force of 10N acting at 300 to the vertical.

FX = FCOS 60º
Cos 60º /F =(FX)
FX = F CoS60º _________________(1)
FX = 10NCos 60º
Fy = ?
Sinq = Fy
Fy =F SinQ __________________________ (ii)
Fy= 10N Sin 60º
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