Relative Motion
The Concept of Relative Motion
Explain the concept of relative motion
Relative motion is the motion of the body relative to the moving observer.
The Relative Velocity of two Bodies
Calculate the relative velocity of two bodies
Relative velocity (Vr) is the velocity relative to the moving observer.
CASE 1: If a bus in overtaking another a passenger in the slower bus sees the overtaking bus as moving with a very small velocity.
CASE 2: If the passenger was in a stationary bus, then the velocity of the overtaking bus would appear to be greater.
CASE 3: If the observer is not stationary, then to find the velocity of a body B relative to body A add velocity of B to A.
Example 6
If velocity of body B is VB and that of body A is VA, then the velocity of B with respect to A , the relative velocity VBA is Given by:
VBA = VB + (-VA)
That is
NOTE:The relative velocity can be obtained Graphically by applying the Triangle or parallelogram method.
For same direction
VrBA = VB - (+VA)
= VB – VA ___________________ (I)
For different direction
VrBA = VB – (-VA)
VrBA = VB + VA _______________________ (II)
Example 7
A man is swimming at 20 m/s across a river which is flowing at 10 m/s. Find the resultant velocity of the man and his course if the man attempted to swim perpendicular to the water current.
1cmrepresents 2m/s

- The length of AC is 11.25 cm which is 22.5 m/s making a angle of 65ยบ25’ with the water current.
- The diagonal AC represent (in magnitude and direction) the resultant velocity of the man.
The Concept of Relative Motion in Daily Life
Apply the concept of relative motion in daily life
Knowledge of relative motion is applied in many areas. In the Doppler effect, the received frequency depends on the relative velocity between the source and receiver. Friction force is determined by the relative motion between the surfaces in contact. Relative motions of the planets around the Sun cause the outer planets to appear as if they are moving backwards relative to stars in universe.
By Meek Hmk Clicker
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