Tuesday, August 29, 2017



1.      Define the following;
i.                    Sinking
ii.                  Floating
iii.                Up thrust
iv.                Buoyancy
v.                  Real weight
vi.                Apparent weight
vii.              Apparent loss weight     
2.      i.  State the Archimedes’s principle.
ii. State the floatation law.
iii. When an object with a mass of 250g is submerged in water its weight is measured to be 2.2N.
a)      What is the up-thrust acting on the object?
b)      What is the density of the object?
3.      Write true for correct or false for incorrect statement for each of the following.
a.       Archimedes’s  principle is also known as the law of submergence________
b.      The relative density of an object is the ratio of its density to the density of water__
c.       The relative density of an object cannot be used to determine the proportion of the object that will be submerged in a fluid__________
d.      A spring balance can directly give the mass of object__________-
4.      Buoyancy is mainly determined by two factors, namely;
a.       Volume and density
b.      Volume and mass               (         )
c.       Weight and mass
d.      Weight and density   
5.       a)  A solid wood weight 60N in air and when it is completely submerged in water the wood weighs 48N. Calculate the apparent loss in weight of the wood and the volume of water displaced (Use Gravitational force 9.88N/kg).
b)      Briefly explain why a key sink in water does and ship floats and it is made of steel and other metals?
6.          a)  Define the term Hydrometer
    b) Draw a well labeled diagram of Hydrometer
    c)  Differentiate between Plimsoll lines and lords register
7.      A car ferry with vertical sides has a water line area of 600m2. When fully lden with 30 car, their passengers and luggage the fully laden carried is 30,750 kg. How far will the ferry sink with this load, if the density of sea water is 1025kg/m3?

8.      An empty density bottle weights 30g, when full of water weights 80g, when full of liquid weights 70g. Calculate;
 i. The Relative density      ii. The density of the liquid
b).   A hydrometer floats in water when some detergent is added the hydrometer rises        slightly although the density of the water is unchanged
              c)   A metal cube of side 2cm weights 0.56N in air Calculate
                       i). its apparent weight when immersed in white spirit of density 0.855g/cm3
                       ii)  The density of the metal of which it is made
9.          Explain concisely why a ballon full of hydrogen rises, whilst full of air sinks. Draw a      labeled diagram in each case to show the forces acting on the ballon
a.       A hydrometer sinks deeper into alcohol than it does into denser water
b.      A steel sphere of density 7800kg/m3 and  volume 13cm3 floats in mercury of density 13,600kg/m3. What volume of the sphere remains above the surface?
10.  A body weighs 200 g in air and 100 g in water. Find its density
11.  9. A body weighs 500g in air and 50  g in a liquid of density 2g/cm3. Calculate the up thrust and the density of the body;
12.  Explain why:
a.       A metal coin sinks in water yet a metal ship floats
b.      Ice floats in water
c.       Body weighs less when submerged in liquid.
13.  The loose of weight of a body when it is partially or totally immersed in water is called__
14.  An empty density bottle weighs 29g.when full of water it weighs 70g and when full of a liquid it weighs 60g. calculate;
a.       The relative density of the liquid 
b.      Its density
15.  An object weighs 500N in air and when immersed in alcohol. Find the up-thrust on the object;
16.  Differentiate between real weight and apparent weight of an object as applied in physics;
17.  A solid weighs 64N in air and 48N when totally immersed in a liquid of density 0.8g/cm3. Calculate;
i.                    The up thrust of the solid.
ii.                  The volume of the solid
iii.                The density of the solid
18.  The weight of a body when in water is known as_____________
19.  Distinguish between up-thrust and apparent weight;
20.  The apparent weight of a body is 6.4N. If the weight of liquid displaced is 4.7N. What is the weight of the body in air?
21.  An object weighs 500N in air and 400N which immersed in alcohol. Find the up-thrust on the object;
22.  The mass of an empty density bottle was 50g. When filled with a certain liquid of volume 20cm3 its mass became 75g. Find the ;
a.       Density of the liquid
b.      Relative density of the liquid
23.  A spring balance reads 12N when a mental block is suspended from it and 10N when the block is.
24.  A piece of metal with a volume of 0.00012m3 has a mass of 0.12kg. What is the density of metal?
25.  A body has a mass of 120kg and a volume of 100cm3. Will the body sink or float in water? Give reasons for your answer;
26.  A body weighs 10N in air and 8N when completely immersed in a liquid of density 0.8g/cm3, Find
a.       The volume of the liquid displaced
b.      The density of the body
27.  What is the volume of a piece of metal with a mass of 150g and density of 0.03g/cm3
28.  A floating body experience an up thrust which is equal to the weight ________________
29.  An ordinary hydrometer of mass 27g floats with 4cm of its stem out of water. If the cross sectional area of the stem is 0.75cm2 calculates;
a.       The total volume of the stem just under the surface of the liquid.
b.      The relative density of the liquid
30.  Why does a solid body weight more in air than when immersed in a liquid?
31.  An iron cube of mass 480kg and density 8g/cm3 is suspended by a string so that it is half immersed in oil of density 0.9g/cm3. Find the tension in the string
32.  Mention two conditions that can make an object to float.
33.  An object is seen to fall from an aero plane and observed to take 15 seconds in reaching the ground. Assume that air resistance is negligible, calculate.
a.       The height of the plane
b.      The velocity with which the object strikes the ground.
34.  Find the average force required to stop a train weighing 200 tons travelling at 54km/h in two minutes from the application of the brakes.
35.  A piece of cork is 100cm3 is floating on water. If the density of cork is  0.25g/cm3,
                                                              i.      Calculate the volume of cork immersed in the water
                                                            ii.      What force is needed to immerse the cork completely? (assume mass of 1g has weight of 0.01N)
36.  When a body is totally immersed in a liquid, it weighs of the body in air; weight of the liquid displaced is 1.8N. Find the weight of the body in air.

By Meek HusseinClicker

1 comment:


Kila mwanafunzi anahitaji kufaulu katika mitihani yake. Walimu nao hujisikia vizuri wakati wanafunzi wao wanapofanya vizuri katika miti...



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