Friday, August 16, 2019


Characteristics (General)
  1. Eukaryotic
  2. More are multicellular, Some are unicellular
  3. Heterotrophic – Saprophytic, parasitic.
  4. Reproduce sexually and asexually
  5. Cell walls are made of CHITIN
  6. Store excess carbohydrates in the form of GLYCOGEN.
  7. Mycellium (interwoven thread like structures) made of hyphae except for yeasts.
  8. Grow in damp conditions.
Distinctive Characteristics.
  1. Cell walls made of CHITIN.
  2. Store excess carbohydrates in form of GLYCOGEN.
  3. Mycellium (inter woven thread like structures) made of hyphae except for yeasts.
  4. Grow in damp conditions.
Kingdom Fungi comprises 3 phyla:
They have characteristics reproductive structures called ASCI formed as a result of sexual reproduction.
The spores formed as a result of sexual reproduction are called ASCOPORES and those formed as a result of sexual reproduction are called CONINOSPORES.
Some ascomycota also reproduce asexually by budding e.g. Yeast, penicillium, sordona, neurospora.

Members of this phylum produce asexual spores in structures called sporangia e.g.  Mucor, rhizopus (bread mould), (pin mould).

Members of this phylum produce sexual structures called Basidia which produce spores called basidia spores. E.g. Mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, rusts smuts.

Economic importance of fungi.
  1. Useful Effects
  2. Used for food (directly) e.g. Mushrooms
  3. Used to make bread e.g. Yeast
  4. Used in production of antibiotics e.g. Pencillin
  5. Used in brewing industries e.g. Production of alcohol e.g. Yeast
  6. Production of acids e.g. Rhizopus
  7. Decomposition of organic matter, therefore adds fertility to the soil. E.g. most fungi.
  8. Used for biological study e.g. Yeast, mucor, fungi, mushrooms, rhizopus.

  1. Harmful Effects:
  2. They cause diseases (humans, plants and animals) e.g. Smuts, rusts, candids.
  3. Some mushrooms are poisonous e.g. Amonita
  4. They spoil foods e.g. Rhizopus and mucor.
  5. They destroy furniture and building materials e.g. Rhizopus.
  6. They poison food e.g. Aspergillus
General Characteristics.
  1. Have chloroplast which has chlorophyll.
  2. Multi cellular.
  3. Eukaryotic.
  4. Store extra carbohydrates in the form of starch.
  5. Have cell wall made of cellulose.
  6. The show localised growth.
  7. Show movement of curvature.
  8. Responds very slowly to stimuli.
  • Show localized growth.
  • Have chloroplast.
  • Have cell wall.
  • Stores excess carbohydrates in the form of starch.
The kingdom is divided into 4 divisions:
  • Division Bryophyta
  • Division Filicinophyta
  • Division Coniferophyta
  • Division Angiospermophyta

  • Division Bryophyta-Funaria
  • Division Filicinophyta-Byropferns
  • Division Coniferophyta-Pinnas
  • Division Angiospermophyta-Maize or grass and Bean.

Phylum Bryophyta
General characteristics:
  1. Are terrestrial and grow on damp areas.
  2. Do not have specialized vascular tissues.
  3. Produces gametes in structures called artheidia for male gametes and archegonia for female gametes.
  4. Shows an alteration of generation including a saprophyte generation and gamophyte generation.
  1. Gametophyte generation is dominant over sporophyte generation.
  2. They lack xylem and phloem.
  3. They survive only in damp area.
  4. The gametes depends on water for fertilization e.g. Funeria (moss), Pelia (Liverwarf).

Phylum Filicinophyta
General characteristics:
  1. Have simple vascular tissues.
  2. Plant body is divided into roots (fibrous), stem (rhizome) and leaves.
  3. Productive structures are sporangia grow on the underside of the leaves in clusters called sori.
  4. They grow in damp, shady areas.
  5. They have large leaves called fronds.
  6. The sporophyte generation is dominant over the gametophyte generation.
  1. Have large leaves called fronds.
  2. Reproductive structures grow under fronds in sporangia which occur in clusters called sori.
  3. Young leaves show a circinate fashion (rolled) (coiled) which uncoils as leaf grows to maturity. E.g. fern plant.
Economic importance of Bryophyta and Filicinophyta
  1. Used in decoration (Filicinophyta)
  2. Gives out oxygen which is inhaled by animals (both)
  3. Used as cover plants to prevent soil erosion (both)
  4. Fertilize the soil after death and decay.


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