Basic Principles of Science Investigation
Steps of Scientific Investigation
Identify the steps of scientific investigation
There are six different scientific step:
- Identification of a problem:This is the first step where a problem is recognised. It provides explanations to the day-to-day questions which we come across in our lives Eg; It is observed that despite adequate feeding, vaccination, treatment and spacious rooms, hens lay fewer eggs each day. What is the cause of the fewer number of eggs?
- Formulation of hypothesis: Hypothesis is an intelligent guess or a tentative explanation for the observation made. Using the example of a few eggs laid by hens per day the hypothesis could be; a smaller number of eggs are laid because of unusual high temperature in the room. In order to prove this hypothesis, an experiment have to be carried out.
- Experimentation: The experimentinvolvesa series of investigations intended to discover relationships or certain facts that may lead to the acceptance, rejection or modification of a hypothesis. The first step in experiment is to construct a plan of investigation.
- Observation and data recording:After setting up the experiment, a researcher makes careful observation using their sense organs and records all events that considers relevant.
- Interpretation of data:Once a researcher has collected data, he should try to explain the meaning of the experiment. This is an attempt to interpret the data. The data may be presented in a form of a table, bar chart, histogram or even graph.
- Conclusion:This is either confirmation or rejection of hypothesis.
A Theory is a set scientific assumptions consistent with one another and supported by evidence but not fully proved (is a hypothesis with more evidence).
Fact is a proved theory supported by evidence
Hypothesis →Theory →Fact
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